Active vs passive investing

Summary Investors must first decide on their investment objectives when choosing between active or passive investment funds. Content Investors must first decide on their investment objectives when choosing between active or passive investment funds. Investing in shares is a popular way of helping people to achieve their long-term financial goals. Read more…

The power of compounding

Summary Investors’ decisions – both conscious and subconscious – have an important bearing on their long-term wealth. In this article, we examine the power of compounding. Content Investors’ decisions – both conscious and subconscious – have an important bearing on their long-term wealth. In this article, we examine the power Read more…

Good cash flow makes life easier

Summary If you rely on your investments for income, an important aspect of managing your portfolio is cash flow. Correctly structured cash flow is critical, so let’s have a look at what you might need to think about. Content If you rely on your investments for income, an important aspect Read more…

Building your super balance

Summary What’s the difference between making a concessional contribution and a non-concessional contribution? Content What’s the difference between making a concessional contribution and a non-concessional contribution? There are two types of contributions that can be made to your super account, concessional contributions and non-concessional contributions: 1. Concessional contributions include compulsory Read more…

Economic Update – May 2019

Summary Within this month’s update, we share with you a snapshot of economic occurrences both nationally and from around the globe. Markets hit record highs – US strong economic data – China data impress – Australian jobs hold up We hope you find this month’s Economic Update as informative as Read more…

Interest rates affect everyone differently

Summary With interest rates at historically low levels, thousands of mortgage holders are able to pay off their homes faster; but interest rate movements mean different things to different people. Content With interest rates at historically low levels, thousands of mortgage holders are able to pay off their homes faster; Read more…

Is there more to investing than property?

Summary Many Australians like to invest in property. However, property is not the only investment option out there. It is important to think about diversification – spreading your investments across a range of assets, markets and industries. There’s no question that property can be a great investment, it can provide Read more…